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Open Tendering in Construction

27th April 2021

Open tendering in construction: answering your FAQs

You may be wondering, what open tendering in construction is, and you wouldn’t be the only one. The procurement process, in general, can seem daunting if you’ve never tendered before. This blog will answer some frequently asked questions you may have about open tendering in construction.

What is open tendering in construction?

Open tendering in construction is a tendering procedure used within the public sector. Open tendering allows anyone to submit a tender to supply the goods, works or services that are required.

What is the open tendering procedure in construction?

The open tendering procedure in construction is a very simple, two-stage process:

  1. An ITT is released

A contractor will release their invitation to tender (ITT) when they want to procure something. An interested potential supplier can then respond to the specification with their tender response. Each tender response will be trying to persuade the buyer that they are the best business for the job. Their ITT response will detail how they intend to carry out the work at hand.

  1. The contract is awarded

After evaluating each bidder’s response, the buyer will then award the contract to the most economically advantageous tender. This is known as the MEAT and is the way in which the public sector award contracts. They seek the tenders that will provide the most value for money while performing the contract. MEAT evaluation means that the buyer is evaluating tender responses based on more than just cost. They will also be looking at a range of factors which can include:

  • Quality
  • Cost
  • Technical ability
  • Social value
  • Accessibility
  • Innovation
  • Sustainability
  • Environmental benefits
  • Customer service
  • Ability to deliver on time.

A contractor will note what each tender will be evaluated on within the tender documents and specification. Each aspect can be evaluated by the buyer on its own or combined, depending on the buyer’s needs. Open tendering can also be referred to as a single-stage tender process (discounting the contract award as a stage).

Why is open tendering used in construction?

Open tendering is used in construction in order for a buyer to procure simple goods or services. For more complex and larger projects, a pre-qualification process will likely be used. Pre-qualifications can come in a variety of forms such as pre-qualification questionnaires, selection questionnaires (SQ) or a PAS91.

What are the advantages of open tendering in construction?

Each tendering process has its own benefits and advantages. Open tendering in construction offers the greatest competition and allows smaller businesses to throw their hat in the ring. This encourages innovation and allows a buyer to view a greater range of proposals.

Need assistance when open tendering in construction?

If you’re still unsure about where to start with open tendering in construction, we can help. Our sister company, Hudson Succeed, offers four tender writing support packages. They have an 87% success rate and over 60 years of collective bid writing experience. Whether you’re completely new to tendering, or simply need your response proofread before you submit – we can help.

Tender Writing

Once you’ve found the perfect construction contract for your business, why not send it over to us? Our Bid Writers can take care of it all for you. They’ll let you know what they need from you, providing you with a full Tender Writing breakdown. They’ll even submit it on your behalf.

Tender Ready

Our Tender Ready programme is perfect for those who have never tendered before. A Bid Writer will work with you to make sure you have everything you need in place to tender successfully. The 4-week programme offers your business:

  • A 12-month subscription to Construction Tenders
  • Access to Global Bid Directors and Senior Bidding professionals
  • An organisation-wide Bid Library, including 3 case studies, 5 CV’s and 8 policies
  • Additional flexible benefit options.

Tender Improvement

If you’ve been tendering but aren’t seeing the results you want, our Tender Improvement package can help. The Bid Team will assess your previous responses and tender documents, working with you to improve for future submissions. This package includes a 12-month subscription to Construction Tenders and additional tendering development services.

Tender Mentor

If you’ve written your tender response and need someone to double-check it for errors, Tender Mentor can help. Our Bid Team will proofread your work for any inconsistencies, grammar or spelling mistakes. They’ll also ensure that it’s in line with the specification before you submit.

Where can I find open tendering opportunities in construction?

Finding the right tender for your business can take hours out of your day. There are various portals and websites that require different login details and passwords. Keeping track of them all can turn into a full-time job! We have a time-saving tool that can optimise your tendering efforts allowing you time to focus on your business.

Construction Tenders is a portal that hosts all the live construction leads and tendering opportunities within the construction industry. Gone are the days of relying on inaccurate CPV codes! Our Opportunity Trackers source and upload exclusive, public and private sector opportunities from across the UK. You’re able to filter and search the results by keyword, budget, location and more, streamlining the process.

Below are previous construction tenders sourced on our portal:

GB-London: Refurbishment Works – Aston Street

Newlon Housing Trust- London- Budget: £500,000

Whole House Improvements – Beaumont Estate Lancaster

Lancaster City Council- North West- Budget: Undisclosed

Rothienorman Kinbroom New Build Housing – 12 Units

Bancon Construction Limited- Scotland- Budget: Undisclosed

CFT: SE3490532B – Refurbishment of Kelly House Phase 2, UHD

CPD – Construction Health Projects- Northern Ireland- Budget: £400,000

Northfield Park Renovations

Blaby Parish Council- East Midlands- Budget: £60,000

A subscription to Construction Tenders offers your business:

  • Access to all unique, private and public sector opportunities in the construction industry.
  • A daily email bulletin sent straight to your inbox when new tenders are uploaded that day.
  • Discounted support from Hudson Succeed, our bid writing division.
  • 20-minutes of free consultancy with one of our Bid Consultants each month.

The best way to venture into the tendering world is through booking a live demo of Construction Tenders.

We also source opportunities for services including;

Get in touch to find out how we can help your business grow.

Upgrade to Discover Elite

Upgrading to Discover Elite can save you even more time, helping you identify tendering opportunities even when you’re busy. Our two time-saving tools can improve your competitor awareness and bidding success rate. Each package can help save you even more time when searching for construction tenders.

The Ultimate Time Saver package includes:

  • An annual subscription to a maximum of two Hudson Discover sector-specific portals. This option best suits a business that overlaps two industries such as Construction and Logistics for example.
  • A maximum of five tender breakdowns per month.
  • Pre-market and award engagement notices monitored on your behalf.
  • Buyer portal management including registration, password management, downloading documents and assessing viability based on your bid or no-bid.
  • Weekly phone calls with your on-hand Account Manager to discuss viable construction tendering opportunities.

The Become a Pre-Bid Master package includes:

  • All of the above.
  • Up to seven tender breakdowns per month.
  • Bid Strategy delivered by a Senior Bid Manager with a minimum of 5 years of experience. It will also be managed by our Global Bid Director.

Contact us to find out how we can help your business.